Dec 4, 2009

Subject: Last email.
Hi everyone!
I'm back at home but just wanted to put together one last Peruvian email (yes, my emails have taken on a whole new ethnicity) in case you are all super interested in how I spent my very last day in Lima. This is also for documenting purposes for my blog, too.  It's gonna be a boring one, my last day was pretty uneventful.

I woke up fairly early and ordered one last Toasty (a deluxe grilled cheese for those who don't remember what a Toasty is) and a cup of tea from the kitchen.  Got to talking to 2 girls from England who have just graduated from high school and are just starting their "gap year."  It was their first day in Peru and they weren't really sure where and how to start their trip so they asked if they could tag along with me for the day since I had a pretty solid gameplan (lots of last-minute shopping, at least one museum, and a good Peruvian lunch).  So after breakfast we walked over to the main plaza in Barranco where it was holding their annual outdoor Christmas market.  It actually really reminded me of the Christmas Market that Union Square in NYC has every year.  After that we headed over to Miraflores to check out the Inca Market - another huge touristy shopping section.  I very quickly learned that the shopping in Lima does not compare with the shopping in Cusco at all!  

After that I went to Museo de la Nacion in the neighborhood of San Borja to check out this amazing photography exhibit they are currently showing on the Shining Path.  The Shining Path is this very recent, very violent string of events that took place in Peru.  Since I'm actually sitting in front of a computer, I'll wikipedia it for everyone!  <>  The exhibit was beautiful and had a ton of really strong, powerful, and very gory images.  The girls had to head home after the museum since one of them forgot to bring a tampon along (TMI again? Sorry.).  So I went back to the main plaza in Miraflores to find lunch on my own.  And well, I'm not gonna lie.  But I had McDonald's.  Yup.

Later that night, I met up with Cat one last time for a cheapo pizza dinner in Barranco.  Had some more chicha morrada (purple corn juice)!  Then headed back to my hostel and stuffed the last few items into my backpack and headed for the airport.  Insert a ton of sadfaces.  :(((((

I really hope everyone has enjoyed reading these emails as much as I've enjoyed writing them!!   Going to Peru is probably one the best decisions I've made and I'm so grateful for all of the great experiences I've had, the great people I've met, and the great country I was able to explore on my own.  Unfortunately, it's now back to the daily grind at home with Mom and Dad and searching for a job/apartment/car.  However, it has been really, really great taking a shower without flip flops, using conditioner in my hair for the first time in 30 days, sleeping without the light on (being a huge scaredy cat, I slept with it on every single night), having more than 3 shirts and 2 pairs of pants to choose from, going shopping with fixed prices, curling my hair AND using my good-smelling hairspray, not worrying about getting Traveler's D or altitude sickness, and of course, being able to see all of your lovely faces again!!!

No picture is attached however I have posted everything onto my online picture account!!!  Will be posting an abridged album of everything on facebook soon if you don't feel like searching through 1300 pictures.
Okay, good night and I love you!!
Aileen :)
Sent via MacBook from my parents' internet.